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The Natural (1984)::rating::3.5
T he Natural takes all the mythologies and superstitions that have attached themselves to baseball and bundles them into one infectiously silly package.  For this story, the game takes on an unknowable magic.  Its heroes have supernatural talent; villains lurk and scowl in the shadows.  This means your enjoyment of this film will entirely hinge…
Independence Day (1996)::rating::3
M ake no mistake:  Independence Day is one of those movies that should have a high resistance to criticism.  After all, it's junk-food entertainment of the first order--blustery, big-budget silliness.  I mean, there's Randy Quaid, staggering around like Otis from Andy Griffith.  And, you've got President Bill Pullman rallying the troops with the fury of…
Dr. Strangelove (1964)::rating::5
D r. Strangelove is one of the greatest examples of telling truth to power in all of cinema.  For 94 glorious minutes, Stanley Kubrick and his co-conspirators use comedy to permanently prove that the entrenched dogmas of the Cold War were, you know, stupid.  Characters in this film speak of "missile superiority" and "mutually assured destruction" with…

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