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A fter three movies, the Trolls franchise has settled deep into formula: Take a legion of fuzzy, butt-wiggling Happy Meal toys and build them a Spotify playlist of FM hits from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Add a vibrant palate of a million Candy Crush colors and…voila! You’ve got a passably entertaining experience for kids and grown-ups alike. Band…
A fter I watched Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, I went back to my review of the first film. Apparently, I gave Into the Spider-Verse 3.5 out of 5 stars. On one hand, that rating seems pretty low. On another, it seems...well, dumb. After all, that film was just the burst of energy and invention that comic book movies needed.…
S ome coming-of-age dramedies draw humor from the cringiness of pre-teendom, when our bodies change faster than our brains can process. Others focus on the frustration of living in that emotional and spiritual thicket between being a child and an adult. Finally, a few aim to satisfy our appetite for gooey nostalgia, with a loving…
T he world didn't need a bantamweight drama about the creation of a shoe, but here we are anyway. Of course, the Air Jordan isn't just a shoe. It's the shoe. And Air wisely uses that iconic sneaker to leap into a larger and more ambitious story, on how Jordan and a few corporate warriors at Nike leveraged his…
R enfield is a lean, dumb sitcom of a movie, built on an irresistible idea: Take Bram Stoker's titular character, Count Dracula's fanatical bug-munching toady, and rework him for modern times. Put simply, this Renfield is a long-suffering sycophant, shackled to a toxic relationship with his narcissistic, gaslighting boss.
The filmmakers riff on that premise…
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